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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help finding paintings/photography about love?

Question: Help finding paintings/photography about love!?
I have this project for Humanities in which we interpret different aspects of one theme!. I picked love since there are so many different emotions that go along with it!. After describing each aspect I am to represent each picture with a famous painting or photograph!.

So I need help representing:

1!. Being in love
2!. Losing love
3!. Wanting love
4!. Abusing love
5!. Giving up on love

Any ideas of scenes!? Paintings/Photographs these "feelings" remind you of!? Painters or Photographers known to express love!?

Thanks guys!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edvard Munch some of his art are about loveWww@QuestionHome@Com