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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you use dye?

Question: How do you use dye!?
on a t-shirt or bed sheets to create that dripping paint Jackson Pollock look!? I have a tie dye kit that I've never used that someone got me but can I use it to make a dripping/pouring technique with paint on some white sheets!? If you know please tell me how!.!.!.thanxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
put the dye in a bowl, grab a short string on one end, (a fiberous string, like cotten!.) drag the string though the bowl, and let it drip on the tee shirt as desired!.

also, it's not the pollock look, but yu can slap the string on the sheet and it will splatter, this is a cool technique too!.

paint brush will work to, it's faster, but messier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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