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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you add pictures to your gallery on deviant art?

Question: How do you add pictures to your gallery on deviant art!?
on deviant art, i cant figure out how to add other peoples pics to my gallery , i don't even kno how to get my pics on their!. any help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's against the rules to post other's pictures!. Maybe it's not as long as you give credit!. Remember not to claim other people's artwork as your own!. You can get in serious trouble for that!.

Anyway, if you go to your profile and then look at the upper right side of your page, you should be able to see a button that says "Submit Deviation"!. Click it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont upload others peoples art onto your gallery!. thats plagerism!.
but if you want to favourite it go onto the picture and next to the picture it will say "add to favourites" click that and it will appear on your pages in a field called "favourites"Www@QuestionHome@Com