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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the easiest animal to draw??

Question: What is the easiest animal to draw!?!?
I'm a beginner and I've taken an interest in drawing!. I just use a pencil and am good at shading, and have yet to try shadows!. So I want to try drawing an animal, not a cartoon one!. So if someone have an idea and a simple photo I can work off of, that would be SO helpful :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about a bird!?
The best way to go about it is to choose a nice, simple picture (photograph or other sketch) of a bird!. If you don't have one, find pics from google image!. If it's a photo, print it in greyscale, and divide it into square boxes (i!.e!. make a grid)!. Ideally something in the range of five squares by four should be sufficient!. You could draw the grid on tracing paper and place it over the picture of your animal!. Now divide your drawing paper into equal squares and try to sketch each portion of the picture into the corresponding box on your blank sheet!. This is the very basic way of starting out!. Gradually, your mind will learn to 'see' the boxes, even when you don't draw the grid!. What you will be doing is mentally breaking the picture up into smaller portions, rather than seeing it as a daunting whole!. I bet you could draw a tiger after that!
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

try an elephant!.!.!. thats how i started!.!.!. or try a swan!.!.

also!.!.!. u can go to google!.com and search animals or flowers!.!.!. choose which one depending on ur level and just have fun!. draw rando things and they can turn into beautiful artwork!. u should try to get some sketching pencils too!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably a snake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A frog!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i haven't tried this but a starfish sounds pretty easy!.!. just alota detailWww@QuestionHome@Com