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Question: Questions about Photography ideas!.!.!.!?
We got another photography assignment about photographing unrealistic objects!. An example our teacher showed us was a series of photos of someone "holding the sun"
Link: http://teacherweb!.com/CA/SantaBarbaraJun!.!.!.

or an egg shell cracked in such a shape that it looked like a stroller, and the yolk inside was the baby!.

I need some ideas please! We have to take 24 pictures minimum, and use similar ideas to what he showed us!. We aren't limited to food, but it must be original and creative!

I've had some ideas such as a man 'standing' on a coke bottle (he is really standing in the distance), someone trying to capture the moon in a butterfly net, and a hand painted as a swan!. anything, ANYTHING, would be welcome! an easy 10 points!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you allowed to manipulate the image in photoshop!?, if so your imagination is the only limitation!!!.
1) Use a high f stop (f16) then use a small child close to teh camera then an adult slightly in the distance so they appear to be the same height!. If you take the image back a bit from the child both models should be in focus thus giving the impression that they are standing next to each other and the same height!. You have to make sure theres nothing in the background giving away scale!.
2) if you near an airport you could simulate some catching an airplane out the the air as it passes nbehind or near their hands!.
3) you could put a large stone or something to stand on in a lake, ocean etc then have someone stand on it to give the impression of walking on waterWww@QuestionHome@Com

How about the same idea as ur coke bottle one but someones hand instead :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com