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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want ideas to make a yard art project...I really need?

Question: I want ideas to make a yard art project!.!.!.I really need!?
an idea of what to use for materials!. The plan is to make a copy of The sculpture "Red Rosary" by artist Maria Roosen on display in Germany!. I want to display it in my backyard!. I'm creating a "Meditation Garden"!.

What can I make the rosary beads from!?

Eight inches for each bead would be just about right for the statement I'm tring to make!. I promised my beloved Stanze a Meditation Garden!.

I would really like a recycle idea if possible!. And since the project will be displayed on th ground like flower bed border!.!.!.
the item doesn't have to be a full ball or bead shape!. It can be a half round item with a flat bottom!.

I want ideas!.!.!.Please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
glass is out!. Theoretically you could use resins to cast the beads, but that's going to be wildly expensive!.
You could probably make it out of concrete, it would be nice if you could color the concrete!. You would have to make a mold which shouldn't be too hard if you just want half the bead size, you could use a ball of the size you want your beads and make your mold from this!. You could also use real play balls , cut a comparatively small hole in each and fill each with concrete or plaster!. That would give you a different surface, though the color of the rubber may bleach in the sun!.
I would think it's important to have a rope go through and have small beads a spacer, otherwise it's just going to look like a number of half round balls!.

Really nice would be carving the bead out of sandstone or limestone, but that will also be expensive and take you really long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com