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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What was the best Advice PhotoAce ever gave you?

Question: What was the best Advice PhotoAce ever gave you!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like Snuffy, I don't ask much, but I read lots of what is posted here!.!. Fhotoace's knowledge was deep and spanned lots of area, some of which I learned a bit about simply by reading his answers!. Occasionally I have delved further into a subject because something he said piqued my interest!. This happens with some other knowledgeable people here as well!. What would happen to YA if they all left!? I hope we don't have to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not to buy a new camera!. I already knew I didn't need to, but the temptation was strong!. It was good to have someone tell me not to be so silly!. However some of the most useful advice I got from him was while browsing other people's questions, things like pricing and sales advice!. also once he showed me a great tutorial on stop motion photography, it was a basic introduction and there were links to sites fr people with any level, there was even general stuff on strobes and fill flashes!. Unfortunately I lost the page when my computer crashed a few months ago but!.!.!. Oh, darn, there were just s many things I picked up from him!. Infact there so many things I pick up from everyone here!. Now you've got me all emotional ;)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's hard to point at any one thing!.!.!.i don't ask much but i do read the questions!.!.!.and the answers!.!.!.fhotoace's answers were by far the easiest to understand and apply!. i think the one i used the most was about not trying to "save" money by buying cheap when i am buying tripods or lenses!.!.!. ofcourse that seems to be a running theme with knowlegable photographers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he was the first to steer me towards Ken Rockwell!.

Love him or hate him, Rockwell's site DOES have a wealth of information where we can pick and choose what we want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he once told me that a great picture does not lay in a camera, but of a person's talent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com