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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good photo shop software?

Question: What is a good photo shop software!?
I was just wondering what program works the best to add borders or make personalized sheets!. For example I can put 3 different pictures on one 8x10 and also include writing on it!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The high-end program is Photoshop CS3!. But if you are not intending to be a professional photographer, or graphic designer/web designer, or digital artist, you don't need to spend the several hundred to almost a thousand $ for that program!.

You can do very well for what you want to do with Photoshop Elements 6 (there's a version for Mac and one for Windows), which is the consumer version of Photoshop!. It will cost you around $89!.

Another alternative is Gimp, which is a legal, free OpenSource photo editor!. It will take some time to learn, but it does a lot of what Photoshop can do, and there's a community of users with forums and tutorials to help you; there are even a couple of books too!. You can find Gimp at www!.Gimp!.org!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The very best is Photoshop CS3 by Adobe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com