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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Selling Stock Photography - How To Sell Stock Photography Online For Cash?

Question: Selling Stock Photography - How To Sell Stock Photography Online For Cash!?
Looking for beginner's tips on how to sell stock photography and ways (big or small) in which I can make some money out of this passion!. Open to ideas and websites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jarrod Hardcastle's site (Digicam Cash) is a fantastic new way to help you sell stock photography online!. He's an expert in this field and has been doing it for years!.

Know that there are 3 types of stock photography selling models:
1!. Rights managed and protected rights stock photography
2!. Regular royalty-free stock photography
3!. Micro-payment, royalty free stock photography

Options 1 & 2 have been around for a while but option 3 is a payment structure that's fast growing and can be very profitable!.

The need for stock photos is huge with an online marketplace that rivals Ebay itself!. if you have a digital camera and a creative eye, you can make some nifty cash from this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is tons of information on the internet about this subject so if you know where to look you can get a good start!.

The most popular microstock forum is microstockgroup!.
Here you will find hundreds of helpful microstock photographers, a list of microstock sites to submit to, and what the earnings potential are!. Microstockgroup also has a poll which gives a nice comparison of the earnings potential of the various sites!.

There are well over 30 microstock sites and new ones come very day!. Less than 10 of these sites actually produce any income from your photos so it is nice to know where to focus your attention!. That poll on microstockgroup is a good place to start!. Sign up with the top few sites and see how it goes from there!. If you have problems getting accepted or getting sales, ask questions on micrstockgroup!. You will be able to receive critique on how to improve your photography!.

Microstock Photography can be a good source of hobby income, side income or if you are determined and talented a full time income!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you mean microstock or stock!?

This forum is a good resource for microstockers to start on: http://www!.microstockgroup!.com/index!.php!.!.!.

These guys have a different approach and is becoming increasingly popular: http://psc!.photoshelter!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could give these two sites a go:



also, you can cheaply set up a website of your own!. HOWEVER!.!.!. if you put up sample images of your pictures, be sure to put a watermark (for instance: your name, the name of your company, etc!.) over your photo so that no one can nic them without your consent!. Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check this site about selling images: http://www!.freewebs!.com/microstock/
hope that helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com