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Question: Nikon M42 Adapter help!?
Can you use lots of old lenes with the m42 adapter on the nikon d40Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes but you will be in manual, the aperture will have to be set on the lens and as you stop down the viewfinder image will darken, you need to activate stop down metering in the menu as well!.

Some old M42 lenses have an auto mode where the camera stopped the lens down before taking the picture, modern DSLR's don't have this mechanism for these old lenses and you will need to put the lens on manual mode and use as above!.

Some of these old lenses were superb pieces of glass and give results that can often better those from modern lenses!. Avoid old zooms though, for the most part, but old primes are usually really good!.
