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Question: Animator Tips!?
Hi, Im Pavel and when I grow up I want to become a animator!.
I am 14 years old and I am using flash cs3 and photo shop cs3
is there any good tutorials on those programs and any tips on being a animator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wanted to be an animator growing up too, Pavel! I have since changed my mind, because of the switch to almost all computer animation - when I was a kid it was still done primarily by hand!. I'm an interior design student in college now, and still put my drawing skills to good use, and I think it's great you're wanting to get a head start!.

My suggestions for you would be to perhaps buy a good book - I know it sounds silly, but the "for Dummies" books have always helped me with computer programs I had a hard time with, just because it lays it out in simple terms and takes you step by step in learning the program!.

also, I would highly recommend that whatever animation style you choose to do - and honestly, I would practice several, although every artist does usually have their own preference - but make sure to try and come up with your own stuff!. I made the mistake of practicing existing animation!.!. drawing from Disney movies and such (that's what I had loved as a child, and still do)!.!. but if you're an anime fan, work on your technique and style as an anime artist doing your OWN illustrations, not just reproductions of someone else's!.

The reason I say it was a mistake is because I got locked into that, and it became very hard for me to learn to draw things that were original!. You have to practice and flex your creativity, not JUST your drawing skills, if that makes sense!. It's great to be able to say that you want to draw well, but you have to be able to come up with things to draw that aren't based on other people's work!.

You may want to consider coming up with your own online comic and posting it on a free online comics server!. I'm trying to remember the name of one right now and I just can't, but it's 3:48 in the morning, so I hope you'll forgive me! If I can remember a good one, I'll come back and edit this answer!. But a lot of this hosting websites give your comics a little exposure, and it might be a good way to really get a little practice under your belt, and see what people think about your artwork!.

Good luck to you, I hope you're successful in all your artistic ventures!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The key to animation is observation of the human form in motion and good drawing skills!. Look at some of the photographic work by Eadweard Muybridge measure the distances that joints move and turn, for instance, how taking a step affects the opposite shoulder and head!.
