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Position:Home>Visual Arts> DIY face paint? safe?

Question: DIY face paint!? safe!?
I was just wondering if they would be safe!.!.

take a look at this site!.!. http://kidscrafts!.suite101!.com/article!.c!.!.!.

well the ingredients says!.!.!. cold cream, cornstarch, water and food coloring!.!.

should I make this for face painting celebration (for my 6year old sister) or should I just buy expensive Snazaroo face paints that I hear about!?!?

also, where is cold cream located!? Makeup and beauty section or at the grocery!? (dumb I know but i don't know what's a cold cream exactly)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my experience, food colouring can stain - and some parents might not appreciate that!. I would spring for the real face paint!.

But if you must - "cold cream" is simply any facial moisturizing cream and you can get it in the beauty section of the store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should just buy the store paint instead of making it yourself!. you dont really know the ratios to mix the ingredients and they could come out wrong and not stick to the faces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com