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Question: Camera questions!.!?
I'm fourteen years old and just started getting into photography!.
Here are some samples of what I've done so far if anyone's wondering!. (Comments!?)




BUT, my question is, is whether anyone has a GOOD camera for photography that is affordable!? I hate my camera, it's really bad!. Thanks for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to say, I REALLY like the 2nd and 3rd pictures!. At first, when I saw your question I expected a blurry picture of you and your friends or something, like all the other kids on here who say they are interested in "photography!."

But you definitely seem to have a talent for taking interesting pictures, and that's the first part!. You can look at something and just instinctively have a feeling that it would make an interesting picture!. Not everyone can do that!.

What you need to do now is to keep practicing!. I especially liked the picture of the piano!.!.!.you chose a different, interesting angle instead of just a normal overhead view of the keys, like most people would!. Keep doing that!. Try different angles to make your pictures more interesting!. The sunset picture is nice too!.

Next, you should try to learn as much as you can about the basic rules and techniques of photography!.!.!.exposure (aperture and shutter speed) and how to frame your subject!. I think you already have a talent for framing your subjects, which a lot of people have trouble with!.

This might sound weird, but If you REALLY want to learn more about photography, you need to practice with an old manual 35mm film camera!. The reason is that with a manual film camera, you have to set the focus, aperture, and shutter speed yourself!. So you learn a LOT more about photography than from just pressing buttons on a digital camera with auto exposure!. You'll learn how to use things like selective focus to get different effects with your pictures, and how to use the light and exposure to get the pictures to look the way you want!.

also, to get the same features in a digital camera, you would need a digital SLR camera and those are expensive!. A manual 35mm film camera is a good way to practice and they're cheap!.

Have fun and good luck! I think you do have a talent, you just need practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just wanted to add my complements!. Your photos are VERY nice, especially the piano and the sunset!. A big part of photography is having an "eye" for the picture!. You appear to have that talent!.

I don't know what you consider affordable, but there are many choices!. You may want to go to a photo store where the sales people at least know photography and try out different cameras!. You don't have to buy it there, you can shop around and get the best price!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're really really good!
just a better quality camera!.
go to your local electronic store(mine's best buy) and ask them! =] good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com