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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What can a water jug for watering plants, a painting of a flower, and a cactus r

Question: What can a water jug for watering plants, a painting of a flower, and a cactus represent in a still life paint
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Some cactus (with some water I'm sure) eventually grow a beautiful flower!. Without the water, the cactus would die!. The water and the cactus together change the cactus by it growing a flower!. Together, they could represent a personal growth, an evolution of some sort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Water jug- the "blood" of the plant, the replenishing of the nutrients
Painting of a flower- human respect for the "art" of the Divine

Cactus- the plant has beauty within but it will protect that beauty on its ownWww@QuestionHome@Com

Vessels, and what they give life!.

It could be very spiritual, as well as literal!. Water is a very powerful element to have represented!.Www@QuestionHome@Com