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Question: Paint Techniquee!?!?
I'm doing an art project and for the lettering and symbols on the front cover (we're doing altered books!.!.) I wanted it to appear like its glowing!. I'll be using purple for the letters and symbols!. I'm not quite sure how to achieve this with acrylic paint!. Any hints/tips/help is appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Instead of focusing on changing your original plan for using purple on your lettering see if you like this idea!.!.!. before you paint with the purple, draw the outline of your letters then with a yellow/white mix start from within the letter's shape and create strokes going outwards from the center of the letters till the stroke fades - like dry brushing!.

This will make it seems like it's glowing and you don't have to pull the strokes way out from the center like they're rays from the sun or anything!. Just a little ways out!. Then, if you can still make out the pencil outlines, fill in with solid purple for your lettering!.

If the letters are 3D chipboard pieces, use Cat Eyes stamp pads to rub the edges with a pale yellow, maybe even a metallic one, after you have painted the letters purple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why does it have to be purple!? There are glow in the dark paints!. Add them to yellow or white and then paint the background black or dark blue!. There are also so iridescent colors that you could use as well!. Liquitex makes a good one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk wat acrylic paint is, but u could try making the letters with different light-colored paints (except yellow or gold) and use yellow or gold to border each individual letter
i tried that once for my mom's b-day card
n it looked awesome if u do it riteWww@QuestionHome@Com