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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do u like the best in art,music,bo

Question: What do u like the best in art,music,book,love,money, and fun!?
what do u think u like and want to do some again and again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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All and the leisure to enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Er!.!.!.I'm afraid I can't quite understand that question!.!.!.it's the way you've worded it!. If you mean "which do you like best", then I like art best!. (Music and books are art forms, too!)

If you mean "what do you like best in these things!?" (which I feel you did), then let's see!.!.!.in art I like a good idea and clever symbolism best!. In music, I like a good beat, an enjoyable tune and words that make you think about what exactly you mean, like songs where you can put many meanings to it!. In books I like good descriptions, well-written plots that aren't too cliched and characters written so well that you can't help but care what happens to them!. In love (which I haven't much experience with as I'm just a kid) I like a true, meaningful relationship and honest feelings from both sides!. In matters concerning money, I like to know that there is honesty on both sides!. In fun I like a time so enjoyable you forget what you were doing later but remember you enjoyed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in music i like the way the drums are i can even picture someone playing and their movement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need money to get into anything properly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com