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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which Disney character should I paint?

Question: Which Disney character should I paint!?
And why!?

I have a fear that people are going to skip over this question!.!.!.ALL ideas are appreciated!! I'm bored, but armed with a canvas and a paintbrush!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
rather than paint anything that you know the outcome from how about painting for the pure enjoyment of painting!. Just mix some of your favorite colors on a pallet and start in painting!. Let your spirit and your eye dance together and see what happens!. If you don't like the outcome then simply scrape the canvas with a dull knife edge and paint over it!.

Be adventurous and not copy something that is already in existence!.!.!.!. exercise you imagination and trust your artistic feelings and enjoy the process !.!.!.!.not just the finished product!. be BRAVE,BOLD, AND HAPPY GOOD LUCK now go to your studio and paint stuff!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the first answer, definetly Ariel!. You can just do so much with it!. Make a lovely ocean backgroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

definately ariel!!! it's my favorite!.!.!. or the little mice from cinderella!. lol!. they are absolutely adorable =]


Ariel from the little mermaid!
Because she's super cute + pretty =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love that movie!.!. =PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, little mermaid is also my fav!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

simba and/or nala- they're so cool =)
have funWww@QuestionHome@Com