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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why does my picture's background turn black when I paste it into paint?

Question: Why does my picture's background turn black when I paste it into paint!?
When I wanna take a picture from lets say!.!.MapleTip or Perioncorner(ima maplefan) ,and paste it onto paint,the background goes all black and when i fill it out wit` white the lining which is black goes out too!Got any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know those programs other than paint, but I would guess one of two things is happening!.

1) the image is transparent, with a black matte, (the transparent color), so when you paste it into paint, which doesn't support the transparency, you see the matte show up!. Even if the image isn't transparent, it may have some sort of mask or area that acts similarly, or

2) the image is in the wrong color range, like CMYK or something, and when you paste it into Paint, it converts it to RGB, but doesn't know what to do with a particular color so it turns it black!.

Weird things can happen when you go from one proggie to another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. I don't understand your problem, are you mixing the colors together Before painting on white, or what!? stay VERY careful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com