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Question: Constructive Criticism please!!?
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I welcome constructive criticism!. I also welcome good comments too! I'm also looking for new ideas on anything to draw!. I will soon be bringing color to my drawings!.

Tell me what drawing is your favoriteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You seem to really like drawing portraits!. But let me offer some advice I learned in college!. It takes drawing the same person at least 100 times before you actually get it to look like them!. I've drawn my husband's portraits around 150 times, and I've just now nailed his portrait!. Another piece of advice: draw from life!. I can tell you have drawn from photos, because of the lack of depth!. It's easier to draw from life, you can see lights, darks and form much better!. Try enrolling in a figure drawing class, you will learn bone structure, muscle structure, axis, It's a great way to really improve your drawing skills if your'e okay with nudity!. I don't recommend the clothed models, you can't see form as well!. Here's some basic head proportions to help you out: The eyes are located EXACTly in the middle of the head!.(most people don't draw enough skull on the top of the head) The nose is halfway between the eyes, and the chin!. And the lips are halfway between the nose and chin!. also on the eyes, when looking straight forward, there should be about half an eyes width from the outer corner of the eye, to the edge of the face!. You should be able to fit another eye in between the two eyes!. Granted everyone is different, but these are standard proportions!.
also invest in a drawing pencil kit!. Those are the pencils without erasers!. HB is a standard pencil, H is a harder graphite, and B is softer!. Use 6 B for your darkest shadings, and the H for your light sketching!. That way you won't get that shiny look!.
You were talking about adding color, invest in a small set of prismacolor pencils!. Their slightly expensive, but very good!. You'd be amazed at the results you can get by mixing the colors!.
Now for the good criticism: My fav is the subway!. I like the strong lights and darks, and you seem to have gotten one-point perspective down!. Now maybe try some two point or three point perspective!?
Another peice of advice for improving you drawing skills, carry a sketchbook with you EVERYWHERE and draw everyday!. Try shooting for 50 sketches within 3 months!.
Good luck and keep drawing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with everything friedoutofmymind said!. My favorite is your pic titled Subway as well!. You used a good range of values, while some of your others hover around the grey area a little too much!. In the portraits that you have done, some of the features are obscure and out of place, so try focusing on what you actually see instead of what you think you should see!. If you are drawing from photographs, hold the picture you drew and the picture you drew from in front of mirror and you will notice differences between the two easily!.

I like the pic of the cat :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grey, I would like to see you push your value scale to more deeper grays and to add some blacks for extreme contrast!. Get yourself a 6B pencil or even a black colored pencil for your work!. I'd also love to see you draw on a dark gray paper and then have to add white to your images!. Hues can be added easily to any work but the punch that some bits of very dark blacks and small amounts of clean whites would give a bit more sparkle to your work!. Focus a bit more on the forms of your images because some pieces are getting very flat!. Good luck and I hope that you keep drawing!. Your work does have the elements of discovery and wit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You seem to like drawing portraits!. If this is what you like and are interested in stick with that!. I think you need to pay a little closer to proportion of the human face!. I think the eyes on your portraits are a little big and some are too far apart!. You may want to take a look at the book called Drawing Real People!. It really helps to sharpen portrait drawing skills!.
Keep at it!. Lots of practice makes for great portrait drawing :0)

your really good!.!.!.!.and the johney depp was so realistic, that one was the best!.!. i also liked the subway one i think!? but on the rest of your people i just think the noses need to be a little bigger and the eyes less wide!. keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bull, Self Portrait, Subway those are my favourites!. The others are VERY good too!
You have real talent!.
You should try sell some of it at weekend flea markets where you draw whetever comes up!.
Hope you post again when you have more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely love Johnny Depp, the bull, and the abstract shapes!. The rest are great too!. Really brilliant!. Criticism!? I have not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the 3D in the subway! It is so cool!

Keep drawing!.!.you could be famous! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com