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Question: Art Presentation!?
I talked to some galleries, they want me to send images!.!.!.

I feel person-to-person presentation is much better, but can I ask them for presentation meeting!?

Your idea to promote art career!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you send the images you can ask for a person to person showing, next!. Some artworks are A LOT better in real life, because of technique!. All artwork is not photogenic!. I've done some work with metalic paint and it just doesn't work in a photograph!. If you art photographs well, that's great!. It will speak for itself!. Make sure your photos are truly representative and of superb quality!.

My advice to you is be careful who you get involved with, follow your gut instincts from the *beginning*!. If a gallery is a co-op with an 'owner' and you feel intimidated by the 'owner' right off, be careful, because you might have problems down the line if he or she is a control freak!. I recently left a gallery after four years because I finally felt like 'gently' 'sticking up' for my rights!.!.!.!.I was tired of the politics, there!.!.!.!.!.!.Maintain your independence as an artist, and don't put all your eggs in one basket!.!.!.!.so to speak!.!.!.!.I did that, unfortunately, I put all my effort into one gallery,!.!.!.!.!. and now I have to start all over again, figuring out how to get exposure and make sales!.!.!.!.!.!.I definitely think galleries with 'straight commission' are better than these owned co-ops we have around here, which is what I was in!. You pay rent and put in time working there!. The owner takes advantage of the situation, though, and her personality is stalin-istic!. She takes advantage of her power over you, and even though it 'seems to be a co-op' it's really a use and abuse kind of place!.!.!.!.no different than the rest of the marketplace!. Such places tend to be 'political', and no one works to sell anyone else's art, much!.!.!.!.!.when they put in their hours!.!.!.!.!.!.well, that's the experience I had!.!.!.!.it happens!.!.!.that's all I'm saying!.!.!.!.!.!.!.but in a gallery with straight commission!.!.!.the proprietor's are MOTIVATED to promote and sell your work, and it isn't as problematic as dealing with an owner who only cares about you paying your rent and fees every month!. Yes, I sold enough to pay my way!.!.!.!.but it was more like being on a hamster wheel!.!.!.!.because of the monthly rent I paid to be there!. There just isn't enough traffic in most art galleries to make them profitable for the artists, if the artist has to pay rent to be there!. They 'can be' a good home base, though, for a very, very successful, go-getter artists, who show in a lot of galleries!. So,!.!.!.!.!. being in shows and getting in PROFESSIONALLY RUN commission galleries is my recommendation!. I notice that these days that being in fairs and shows often means having to have a 'tent'!.!.!.!.it's become a standard requirement in the outdoor shows!. Years ago it wasn't, but now it is!. Because of my life situation I haven't gone the fair and tent route, but I might eventually!. I showed back in the days when it was just open to the sunlight or rain!.!.!.!.!.!.and in malls!.!.!.!.!. I think a lot of artists love it, though!. And sales in some of those better shows are great, I've heard!. Some of them are, though, expensive to get into, so be sure and make your presentation plentiful and professional looking, so you will make back your investment and then some!. I don't enter contests, but I think that is another way to 'promote' one's art career!. That's my 2 cents!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Sola (artist for 40 yrs!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am represented by galleries and I have worked as a professional in a few!.

The reason they do not want to meet you in person is because the director or owner know what sells and what they want to represent!. They can see immediately by looking at your images whether you fit in!. Many artists send portfolio images that do not fit in a gallery thinking they are filling a void!. The owner has a point of view and generally sticks to that so send your images to galleries that show something similar to your work!. Artists have ebbs and flows so you may fill in while someone with similar work takes a break!. Plus, collectors return to galleries where the type of work they like is!.

Once you pass that initial "test" then they want to meet you to prevent time wasting awkward situations!.

Upon meeting you, they want to see how professional, experienced and consistent you are!. They ask how many pieces you produce in a year and frankly how mentally stable you are!.

Your ability to take criticism also plays a part because they know what works for them!. Many artists do not get into galleries not due to lack of talent but because they lack awareness that a gallery is a business not a museum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com