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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you recommend a good varnish for finished oil painting?

Question: Can you recommend a good varnish for finished oil painting!?
Is it necessary and any special technique!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi trish, I do some oil painting!. make sure to use mat or gloss varnish depending on choice!. I prefer mat myself!. The varnish used for acrylics are sometimes different so choose one made for oil painting!. Make sure the painting is absolutely dry !. I leave mine for several months before varnishing!.Make sure no dust is around and apply 2 coats leaving the first to dry overnight!.Thin coats are best with a special varnish brush which are very cheap to buy!.

I don't like the varnish aerosol sprays, they are difficult to use and can run if you are not careful!. a brush is best not loaded with too much varnish!.

It is easy to do just apply first coat one way and turn the painting around 90 degrees for the second coat!. Thin coats are bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

for finish look u need to practise alot, just add rite amount of linsed oil and required no!. of colour layers and try to view ur work from distance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com