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Question: Pro Photographers!.!. (Question for you!.!.!.)!?
I'm trying to find a host for a website for my photography!. What's the ideal disk space/bandwidth!? I'm going to have audio and slideshow pics/galleries on there!. What web host do you recommend!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
all i will recomend is you dont use audio, it slows websites down and people like me dont bother if a site is to slow


I like Better Photo!.


Their sites are easy to set up and you can obtain a domain name along with it!. Very reasonably priced also!. There are various levels of sites, though I find the Deluxe site to suit me fine!. PLENTY of space for photos, though you should still always downsize your photos to about 800 pixels wide at 72 DPI!. They will look fine!. load fast, and save you TONS of site space!. You can easily select to have a slide show play of your photos if you want!.

Go to "Get a Website" from the above link to get information!.

As for audio!.!.!.!. PLEASE do NOT do that!. I HATE HATE HATE goofy audio playing when I launch a site!. What YOU like does not mean someone else will like it!. also, I usually always have internet radio playing on my computer, and the last thing I want is some asinine, canned music starting up on a website I go to!. All it does is p!.!.s me off and make me leave the site, and I know many others feel the same way!.

Here is my site if you want to get an idea!. There are lots of different designs available, I just stuck with basic black!.


EDIT: You have had two people advise you to NOT do music, and it sounds like you are still going to do it!. Remember, even classical music will be a turn off to some people!. I have attended many pro photographer seminars where websites are discussed, and WITHOUT EXCEPTION, music is ALWAYS advised to NOT do!. You don't seem to get the point, it is not what KIND of music is playing, myself and most other people, do not want ANY music coming up on a website!. At this moment I have an internet radio station playing from Holland!.!. now do you think I want some other music coming in and ruining what I am wanting to listen to!? Not hardly!. Please, take good advice and DO NOT add music to your website!.
