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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I protest against things I dont like, useing painting as my weapon?

Question: How can I protest against things I dont like, useing painting as my weapon!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Start by using your skills as "communication" not as weapon!.!.!.Negative statements do not stand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be Honest and also Clever and know your 'idea and subject' well!. Think about it in depth!. Tap into the raw emotion and feeling and put that in through 'technique'!. Get their attention first, so do something kind of 'bold' and 'different'!.!.!.!.!.suprises are good!.!.!.!.!.!. and you might draw them *into* the painting through subtle details!. The suggestion of the use of symbolism, as some other contributors mentions is very, very good!. Realism could be effective, too!. I have made the mistake sometimes of thinking people will see what I put there, but they miss it if they aren't told it's there!. So maybe the details should be obvious, even if subtle!. You do have a purpose, it seems!. If you are using paint to make a strong social statement you need to 'think about' your audience!. Odds are, if you use it as a weapon, it will definitely have an emotional effect on people!. SolaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Pablo, symbolism is the key!. also dont stop painting ,ever!. Paint, Paint ,Paint!. Dont think about being an artist, just be!. no matter what kind you want to be!. Art is the most important thing in the world!. Some ancient cultures we know nothing about aside from their art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Study some other paintings for symbolism this way you can protest without comng out and saying it!. Paintings are anylized were deeply so if it is true symbolism, it will be noticed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com