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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can we obtain good trails in photography with the help of tripod stand?????

Question: How can we obtain good trails in photography with the help of tripod stand!?!?!?!?!?
plz u have to do thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are referring to light trails then what you want to do is wait until the sun has just set!. then, grab your tripod and make sure that your camera is sturdy and mounted correctly!. look at your settings and since you will be leaving the shutter open long enough for the correct exposure, you can bring the ISO to 200-400 max!. next, bring your shutter speed to around 10 seconds!. Don't go faster than this speed!. You'll get better trails with a longer, slower speed!. from there, you will need to decipher a good aperture!. probably around 18-22 but you'll have to figure that part out!. then, when you're all set, press and release the shutter slowly and gently to avoid camera shake and a blurry picture!.

try experimenting with different settings to see which you like best!. this is really the best way to learn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use a tripod and set your camera to "B"!.

Aim your camera at the North Star, so it's centered!.

Use a remote and lock the shutter open!.

As the earth rotates, the North star will stay as a point, while you get star trails all around it!.

After a while, close the shutter!. A few minutes will be a small trail; an hour or longer will be a much nicer trail!.

Avoid any place with city lights/light pollution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use an all manual film camera!. Use 200ASA positive film!. Set the camera to "B" for Bulb!. Set the Lens to f/4 and leave it open for 60-90 minutes, with no moon in an area with little to no light pollution!. The wider the lens (28mm or less) the better!. also, it's better to have something, besides the sky, in the foreground or background of the image!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure what you mean by "good trails",!.!.!. if you are talking about nature photography and hiking trails make sure you have a tripod that is light and compact!. If you don't plan on being in the picture you can use a monopod!.Www@QuestionHome@Com