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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to write in graffiti??

Question: How to write in graffiti!?!?
Site to show u step by step to write in graffiti letters but on paper not on walls or anything!
A site that u do not need to register for!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
don't listen to any of them, TRUST ME, i write!.!.!.

bombing science is your friend!.

I have an account there!.!.!.!. NoCanControl

The world of graffiti gets deep!. don't drown!.

links down there vvvvvvvWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oops! I don't know if you have to register with this site!. Here this!.!.!.http://www!.fontstock!.net/search/0/graffi!.!.!.
I noticed to, that websites like this create and design graffiti!. There would seem to be a charge or some kind of a registration!. When I searched and came up with the site listed above!. My understanding with graffiti, is that it's art and designing your own type of lettering would be awesome!. The site could give you ideas how to design your own lettering!. Naming your type of font is the next thing!. Fonts are San serifs and non San-serif fonts!. Get a book on typography it will help you!.

Bye! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

try going to google and typeing in graffiti fonts or sum and try looking at images or clicking on a siteWww@QuestionHome@Com

the best thing is 2 use stenciles (dont kno how 2 spell that)
other wise just watch the masters at work i guessWww@QuestionHome@Com


not sure, but i'd like to know myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com