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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I get used to my graphics tablet?

Question: How do I get used to my graphics tablet!?
I've recently received a Genius tablet from my father!. I was looking forward to drawing computer pictures with unlimited mediums, but i'ts hard for me to draw well when I don't see what my hands are doing!. Is there any simple trick to make my marks show up on the tablet without damaging the pen!? If not, then is there any simple way for me to get used to constantly looking at the screen when I draw and still draw well!?

I'd appreciate any helpful answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
an awful lot of practice, and it could take months or years!.

but if you want, most all drawing tablets come with a clear flap that you can stick a drawing underneath and trace!. So you draw a normal picture first and then trace over your drawing!.

one thing i did a lot of was drawing in straight lines a lot, in a downward direction!. also, when you draw, keep your other hand right over top of the ctrl-z undo keys!. even now that i am an expert at using the tablet, i still do this!. I'll draw a line and if it's not right i immediately undo it!. i can do this 2-3 times a second, really fast, until i get the line exactly right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like everyone else is saying!. All it takes is practice!. Just like doodlers have to get used to artist's brushes, even a good sketch artist needs to get used to a digital graphics tablet!.

As awkward as it may be for a while, it is STILL much more intuitive than trying to draw with a mouse, which has often been described as "drawing with a brick!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice!. It's the only way you'll get used to it!.
Yes, it's difficult at first, but you'll get used to it pretty quickly!.

Use a blank "canvas" in whatever graphics program you use and just sketch!. Just sketch anything around you or something in your head!. Before you know it, you'll be using the tablet easily to sketch, paint, design, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It takes practice!. And, the more money you spend, the better you can do!. My Wacom tablet is wonderful!. I've practiced for months and I'm still not 100% at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just doodle loads, it takes a while but you'll get used to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com