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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is so special about Jack Pollock's work??

Question: What is so special about Jack Pollock's work!?!?
I don't understand how his "decorative wallpaper" was/is regarded as high art!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's kind of like the fellow who caught the cat!.

One guy says "I think the cat got out!."
One guy says "hey the cat got out!."
One guy says "hey the cat is in the doorway!."
But the guy to be is the guy who caught the cat!.

When Pollock did his art, it was unheard of, it called into question, materially, whether this was art, because it wasn't "I'm gonna splash a big sweep of red over here!." It was like "Splat!" "Hey I like that!" Is the artist the artist or the viewer!? Did Pollock make it or did Pollock's wrist!?

It's something like what Warhol did cognitively, to art!. Warhol is sort of the descendant of Dada, because he said (by means of art,) "Can this be schlock AND art!?" Pollock's question is in a sense deeper though because partly he isn't "in" the art process, it is happening "by means of" him instead!.

Once all of this is done of course it is no longer an innovation and modern art seems to have come upon, or rather gone down, the same drain that jazz fell into!.

I personally find Pollock's works striking, and perhaps because I am old enough to remember the "fad' for splatter art that ensued his success, I appreciate the questions he asked about art in his work!.

If art as philosophy is you think not what art should be, I suggest you get a time machine and go back and kill the first Dadaist, Marcel Duchamp or whomever preceded him!. Because art in this century is as much or more about meaning than about appearance!.

Of course what is striking about Pollock is that the appearance is pretty "cool" too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jackson Pollock is probably one of the most recognizable names when it comes to the world of abstract expressionism!. He is most famous for his paintings that showcase his “Drip Technique” like in No!.5 1948 which prompted the New York Times to fondly refer to him as “Jack the Dripper” in 1956!. The nickname effectively encapsulated what Pollock’s art was all about, but it also pigeonholed him to the drip technique!. But, nonetheless “Jack the Dripper” is certainly one of the greatest artists in American Art History that has effectively immortalized abstract expressionalism the way Braque and Picasso did for Cubism!.

I guess everyone sees art in a different way!.Like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not really my cup of tea ,but to each his own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exactly!! I don't understand it!.!.!. Pollock, while I appreciate his art, isn't a masterful artist!. I think that people place far too much importance on being open-minded about art!. It breaks down the barrier of what art can be to a society!. Art can exist in the mark of a 1-year old on a paper, or a stick figure drawing made by a 3rd-grader!. But it is not GOOD, quality, masterful art!. People have forgotten what good means, as it delves into counter-culture to the point that its has become an anarchic free-for-all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not fine art at all! No one can produce real art by just splattering paint upon a large canvas on the floor!. If that is art, so is the rag I use to clean my paintbrushes!. One science magazine said he did fractals!. OK, but that is not fine art!. The definition of art has deteriorated badly in modern times!. The last really great paintings were made in the Baroque period!. Salvador Dali said that modern artists have lost control of their media!. Paul Harvey said Picasso said in an interview that he was a mountebank selling trash to fools!. One might add that he sold his trash for high prices!. Abstract Expressionism is only a glorified term for garbage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so tell us tristian, what does "good" mean when it comes to art!? because it is definitely now completely up to you who the next "good" artist is!.

Pollock is "good" because of people like the person who asked this question!. he was talented enough to make something that is still being talked about!. whether you love them or hate them!.!.!. you're still thinking about them!. and along the lines of his splatting paint onto a canvas, there are some people that have looked deeper into his paintings and found grid lines and cover ups so it isn't like he just splatted pretty colors at whim while dancing around in circles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com