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Question: Photographers, if given the choice would you!.!.!.!?
What should I do with my tax refund!? A, B, or C!?

A) I currently have a PC!. Should I buy a Mac!?
B) I currently have the Canon Rebel XTi!. Should I upgrade to the D40!?
C) Should I buy new lenses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How much of a tax refund are you getting!?!?!?

A) also think about all the softwares you'll have to buy again!.!.!. like if you have Photoshop, it's not compatible on both!.

B) According to what I've read, the 50D should be coming out sometime next year!.!.!. could you wait for the price to go down!?

C) I think this is the best choice for you!. Unless you change brands, which I'm assuming you never will, you can use these forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that if it were me I would get new lenses!.
Lenses are one of my favorite photography tools!. I think they actually change the picture more than a new camera!. I just think there a lot of fun!.
But, thats just me (and I'm a bit obsessed) you should do what you want!. Do you need a new computer!? Or, are you sick of your camera!?

Anyway, Have fun with your refund!!
Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buy new lenses! Especially primes!. Don't buy ones that aren't designed for a full-frame camera since that would be the one upgrade worth making (IMO) if you buy a new camera!.

"One can have too many lenses but one can never have enough!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your camera is still in good working condition I would buy new lenses!. but that also depends on what lenses you already haveWww@QuestionHome@Com

spend on glass its permanent, the 40d will be out of date in a few months

EDIT: to the dumb thumb downer: glass is what pros call lenses



b the original

or get a D300!Www@QuestionHome@Com