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Position:Home>Visual Arts> People look different ?

Question: People look different !?
how come some people look different in mirror or in webcam or in cameras then they do in real life !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A mirror is a BACKWARDS reflection of yourself!. A photo is NOT a reflection, but a true depiction of the actual scene, so you will not look the same in a photo as you do in a mirror!.

Want proof!? If you hold a printed word to a mirror, it is backwards, right!? But when you take a photo of it, it reads correctly!.


there might be a scientific reason, but idk!.!.!.

what i think, is, in general, if you see yourself in the mirror, you see what you want to see!.!.!. by looking thru a webcam, your brain distances itself, and you look @ the photo as you think other people see it!.!.!.

i could be completely off base!.!. but its just athought ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it's called photogenic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com