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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can somebody tell me some symbols found in Botticelli's painting "madon

Question: Can somebody tell me some symbols found in Botticelli's painting "madonna and child with an angel"!?
here is a link to the painting, if it isn't big enough for you to see all the details then you can google the name!.


Please tell me any symbols you find in it and what they could symbolize

THANK YOU!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When shoes are taken off in a painting it symbolizes holy ground!. A similar interpretation would follow for the depiction of the infant Jesus with bare feet!. The colour white in his garments symbolizes innocence!. The colour blue in Mary's robe symbolizes purity!. The child standing next to Mary is an angel!. Nails appear, along with a crown of thorns on the angel's head, representing a crucifixion and give the painting an ominous tone of events to come!. The angel is wearing brown, a sombre colour which symbolizes the entombment to come!. The open window probably has a symbolism attached to it, along with the blue sky!. It may represent a better world to come!.

Apart from these details, I am providing an interpretation of the painting that I have copied and pasted:

Botticelli's The Madonna and Child with an Angel, 1468 (housed in Spedale degli Innocenti of Florence)!. The Madonna looks thoughtfully upon the crown of thorns and the nails, which the Christ-child innocently, unsuspectingly holds, a curly haired angel offers her grapes and ears of wheat, the symbol of sacrifice!. In the place of the fresh worldliness of Fra, Fillippo, Botticell's works reveal the presence of a mystic and transcendental, a solemn and sacramental element!. While the realists in their Madonna's portray the joys of motherhood, Botticelli's know no joy whatever!. Mary appears gloomy and lost in thought, as if, even when she presses the Christ-child to her bosom, a foreboding of coming suffering casts its shadow over her soul!. Richard Muther, The History of Modern Painting, Henry and Co!., London, 1896Www@QuestionHome@Com

The wheat ripened stalks - bread of life that Christ represents
The grapes- wine- the blood he shed for us!.
The white wrap around baby Jesus represents purity
The wreath around the angel's head possibly olive branch
"Prince of Peace"
Three people, three fingers held up - Father, Son , Holy SpiritWww@QuestionHome@Com

hhahahha i cant find any for mine eitherrrr :PWww@QuestionHome@Com