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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are there any rules/law against doing a photo shoot in a cemetery?

Question: Are there any rules/law against doing a photo shoot in a cemetery!?
There is this really pretty cemetery near where I live!. Its open and no gates!. I wanted to take a friend of mine who is volunteering to be my model into the cemetery to do this really pretty shoot I have in mind!. Obviously I would be respectful of where I am of course but I just wanted to know if there was any regulations or laws against this sort of thing!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The laws of shooting in a cemetery will usually be no different than shooting elsewhere!.
Here is the overall guidelines for shooting
These rules are general and there may be other specific rules for for different cities!.

1!. Unless posted you may take Happy snaps anywhere!. Using a cemetery as an example there would be no rules to take a picture of your family by a loved ones grave site!.

2!. At the other end of the spectrum if you were doing a commercial ad in a local cemetery then not only would you need permission from the cemetery, most likely you would need a city filming permit!. For a commercial shoot there is simply no reason to put the shoot in jeapordy by not having one

3!. Now your example is certainly in the Grey area!. In this example most likely you would need permission for property you are shooting on!. If you have your act together and simply present your idea and how you would execute your project in a respectful manner most people would be more than willing to help!.

4!. Now that said I have been in situations where permission was needed shoot, yet the constraints on getting the proper permission were impossible!. Example, Shooting a Model on the Beach in Santa Monica at the spur of the moment for a non commercial shoot
In this case it is called run and gun photography!. The whole idea is too be very organized, get the shot and move on!. This is done with the full expectation that you can get shut down at anytime!. You plead your ignorance that you needed whatever they ask you to have and then move on!. 99 percent of the time you will get the shot done before anyone notices!. Even if you do get caught most people just ask you to stop!. Don't argue just say your sorry and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of answers here, probably all of them right and all of them wrong! In today's world, I'm almost afraid some Gestapo will arrest me for just holding my camera anywhere!. It has become ridiculous!.

Personally, I have taken a ton of photos in many cemeteries with never any problems, so I say just go for it and plead ignorance if something happens! :-)

Here is one of my favorite cemetery shots:


As long as you don't dig up any bodies or photograph a funeral I am sure you will be fine!. I shoot at grave yards all the time of graves, statues, nature!. and then some

Check this one out this is at a local grave yard near my home!.

Cemeteries are usually private property, you need the permission of the grounds owner and probably the family of the person whose grave is in the photo if there is any family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have the right idea, make sure you do things respectfully and dont show names!.
To be safe, do it quickly!.
If you like, after you are done send them to the company who runs it!.
I've taken pics of the place where i work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose it depends on the cemetery!.
I've taken shots of monuments, statues, murals and buildings at 2 cemeteries!.
if you're not really sure, go to the office and ask them if it would be ok to take pictures there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually no!. Put it this way, its like telling me that i need a special pass to visit my parents buried in a cemetery!. I can take all the pics i want!.
Their is no law!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a tricky question and varies with local bye laws from region to region!. Most graveyards come under the Local Authority who have to maintain them!. Some, mainly churchyards, are a special case in Law as they are consecrated ground for the most part, they are Corban and belong to God and therefore cannot be owned, but the administration of them fall usually, with some exceptions namely churchyards and some private ones, to the Local Authority usually at Parish Council level where you would have to apply!. Even though the public have rights of access, local Bye Laws, some weired, apply!. I know it's not what you have in mind but desecration is taken very seriously!.

There are some old cemeteries that did not come under local authority regulations (they were out of use before the 1850's) and are usually very overgrown and run down (very atmospheric, if a little scary) these are usually still Corban have no owner and no one to administrate them!.
