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Position:Home>Visual Arts> WHat do u think about baroque priod?

Question: WHat do u think about baroque priod!?
actually am looking to know how people analyze the baroque period!? what they think about that period!? !.!.!.
i really an analysis of that period!.!., and how do they think and see that peiod!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it ain't baroque don't fix it!. No just kidding, I think it is a very high art period in architechture!. It was used a lot in churches, with high arches and vaulted ceilings!. I really like it, but a style such as that could never get very far because it is pretty much limited to churches!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just finished a music class and found Baroque to be alright, but Classical to be much more interesting!. i wasn't any good at analyzing the music of each period, but I prefer Classical or Neo-Classical to Baroque!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

baroque is like an overly decorated wedding cake, kind of like versailles, everything was overly done and perfected; it celebrated the lavishness and extravagence of that period under louis xiv, but still good to look at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the style is extraordinary!.
its like nothing ive ever seen before!.
if people in this generation painted with skill and class like that!.
it would be a revoultion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of tight pants on men and hot dress on women!Www@QuestionHome@Com