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Question: Cameras With Selective Focus!?
What I Am Looking For Is A Camera That is $300 Or Less, With Selective Focus Like This:


And Can Get Close Enough To Photograph Dew Drops Like This:


I Have Been Searching For Weeks Can Anyone Help Me!!!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Canon currently has an "All in one" camera on the market called an S5!.

It is an 8 megapixel camera with a 10x zoom that is macro on the low end!. It is fully automatic or can be programmed if you wish, has shutter or aperture priority modes and can also be set full manual mode!. The camera sells for around $350!.

It won't shoot what you're asking it to do right out of the box but it is capable of it!. Once you learn some basics regarding photography, it will work for you just fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem is you want some advanced features on a camera that are not available on P&S cameras in your budget!.

Selective focus is a combination of a medium telephoto lens and a wide aperture !.!. and control over the aperture you want to use!.

Getting close to a drop of water, needs a different lens !.!. a macro lens!.

While you may be able to focus closely with some P&S cameras, you may find yourself frustrated because unless you have a completely adjustable camera, it is difficult to produce consistant images !.!.!. you tend to be controlled by the auto features of the camera instead of the other way around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been able to take photos similar to the ones you've listed with the Olympus C-765UZ!. It has a manual focus feature that is great after you learn how to use it well!. If I remember correctly, we got it for around $250!.

In my opinion, you could probably take those kinds of photos with just about any camera (as long as it has at least a few manual features and is not totally automatic)!.!.!. you just have to learn how the camera operates and, of course, practice, practice, practice!.

Hope this helps! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com