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Question: Photography Question! woo hoo!!?
Im really into photography! I wanna make money and have my pics (published or something)

I live in Utah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can make easy money by submitting your photography to stock sites that make members pay for stock!. You can try http://www!.stockxpert!.com/ but your work has to be of a certain caliber!.

Alternatively, you can do commercial photography!. That means taking pictures of products for advertisements, or having people hire you to be a photographer at a special event like a wedding!.

There's also photography in journalism, which is what Spiderman did when he wasn't busy beating up bad guys!.

If you want your art photography to get published, you will have to market yourself!. You can try local galleries or online ones like http://deviantart!.com
It will be hard to get yourself out there at first, but with perseverance and a high quality portfolio you can go far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.So does everyone else!. Isn't it funny how there is a shortage of accountants, but photographers come a dime a dozen!? I would suggest going to schooling, learning the fundamentals of photography, creating a good portfolio, and get in line with everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u really love it then try and look for a job in photography!.
make sure u show em ur pics to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com