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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want to start building a photography portfolio but my age affects the level of

Question: I want to start building a photography portfolio but my age affects the level of respect!. What should I do!?
I would like to start making a photography portfolio!. I am only 16 and I want my main focus to be on male models!. I feel that if I tried to get men to pose for me I won't get any respect because of the age difference!. I would like to do glam shots of men!. (High couture, underwear)

Do you think I should wait until I'm a little older and more respected before I start getting men in their underwear!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your age might actually put the men in a compromising position from a legal standpoint!. Keep them in regular clothing until you are 18!. Okay, maybe bathing suits would be okay!. It may seem silly, but that's how society works!. Just ask Miley Cyrus about this!.!.!.


Yes, swimsuits are basically the same as underwear, but they are NOT underwear!. It would be the same as far as your model's appearance for lighting, etc!. But - as I said - society does not consider them to be the same!. What would happen if a man stood on the beach in tighty-whities!? He'd be either escorted off the beach or arrested in some towns!. And yet Speedo's are accepted!. Okay, some people look away because some guys have no business wearing Speedo's either, but they are NOT underwear!. Go figger!.

The fact that you question this is a good thing and it shows why it was good that you came here to ask our opinions!. You are 16 and you are a minor!. You might be a very mature and responsible 16 year old, but the law is the law!. I'm not saying that you WOULD have a problem in the future!. I'm just pointing out how one of your MODELS could have a problem if someone (your parents!.!.!. a spouse!.!.!. a jilted lover!.!.!.) got hold of photos that a 16 year old took of a man in his underwear!. That's all I'm sayin'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has nothing to do with respect and everything to do with not wanting to get thrown in jail -- Dr!. Sam said it all!.

Why do you want to shoot underwear anyway!? Underwear does not equal couture, yet couture can have underwear!. Are you trying to get acceptance by shooting what looks like advertisements!? If so, that's not getting respect either, it's 'pretending to be be an employed photographer!.' You can shoot glam without shooting skin, you may not be able to imagine it right off the top of your head, but that's what separates real creatives from the hacks!. Don't be a hack -- work around the walls; the majority of "creatives" out there sit and complain about "injustices" when the greatest injustice is their inability to solve problems creatively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our society is so caught up on people's age (instead of maturity level), that competent younger women like you will have to sacrifice your dream for at least two more years!. Its not fair, but its our Earth (as if something magical happens between the day before and the day of your 18th birthday)!.!.!.

That being said, you can still have a lot of fun with photographing guys!. You might have problems getting real models, but you could probably get that cute guy in your class to pose in some Abercrombie board shorts for you!. Just be professional about it!.!.!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

im sure youre talented, but youre right!. the age may cause a problem!. some men are respectful and wouldnt mind, but then there are other men who think otherwise!. my opinion is to wait!. or you could just wait for the whole underwear thing and just take shots of them in normal clothing for now until you get a bit older!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com