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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is it possible to be a good photographer by using a live view mode?

Question: Is it possible to be a good photographer by using a live view mode!?
All of the old-school camera people don't understand live view modes on cameras!. I use mine on my Panasonic Lumix EXCLUSIVELY!. I take rather good shots, IMO, but I seem to get the idea that others don't think its supposed to be done this way!.

Can I still be a good photographer by using a live view mode!? I know it sounds like a silly question, but people say stuff like it doesn't show you what you're really taking, and how it will just distract you!.

So what do you all think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The problem here is that some of the older generation doesnt understand that you DONT have to hold the camera at arms length to use the live view!.

And on my lumix, the view finder pops out swivels!. I actually use it almost always because of that feature!. It makes getting interesting angles with out contorting my body in ways in wasnt meant to a lot easier!.

You will never see me holding my camera out at arms length taking a picture!. I hold my camera much the same way any other 'pro' would and rather close to my body!. I also find it helpful that I can look at what I am taking a picture of at the same time as looking at the rest of the environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Live view mode is great on tripods but lousy for hand held shots!.

With a tripod to holding the camera steady you can get abetter idea of composition from teh screen!. Great for landscapes, still-life etc where the subject stays in the same place!.

For hand holding, the classic position using the viewfinder is far better!. tuck the elbows into the body and your head helps hold the camera steady!.

One of the advatages, and costs of DSLR cameras, are the pentaprism viewfinders!. Good ones are relatively expensive so cheap cameras skimp on this area, or do not provide them at all!.

As an old-school photographer I do understand live view, however I also understand the advantages of a good viewfinder and when each system should be used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Nikon D300 has live view, but I have only used it when attached to my telescope or when shooting table tops on a tripod!.

Holding a camera at arm's length makes no sense in any case, but while holding a DSLR!? It is asking for camera movement (blurred images) even when using VR (IS) Add a 18-200mm lens on the camera @ 200mm !.!.!. I rest my case!.

DSLR's are for people who have some experience with adjustable cameras and some kind of photo education!.

The jump from the D100 to the D200 was not too bad technology wise, but the D300 was like going from a Cessna 206 to a 757!. I feel like I need to take an IFR course to use all the goodies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How many years did photographers use live view ONLY before they even invented the pentaprism!? Only about a hundred!.!.!. That's why they called them "VIEW" cameras!. The next step was to put a simple mirror in the camera, but the view was still full format!. SLR's have only been with us for about 70-75 years!.

It may be more convenient to use a viewfinder, but simply because you prefer live view does not mean that you can not be a good photographer!.

Ace! Congratulations on the D300!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it works for you great!.

For me I find i'm more involved in the image making process if i use the viewfinder, and its easier to concentrate on the lighitng arrangement and the details if i use the finder!.


my camera, olympus E-410 i think lol has live view!. its good when you gotta hold your camera up ahead and you cant use the little eyepiece!. i personally dont think it affects the shot, because i do it all the time!.!.!. maybe you'll just get better perspective and feeling of the shot you are gonna take!.

hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it really makes a difference!.!.!. as long as you have the right composition, lighting, and a clear picture, it doesn't matter what you used to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The biggest problem with it is you CANNOT hold the camera steady out at arms length!. That is not a problem under bright conditions when you have a high shutter speed, but under darker conditions at a lower shutter speed, you will have nothing but blur!. When you look through a viewfinder you can steady the camera against your face and get shots at MUCH lower shutter speeds than when using the monitor!.

also, have you ever seen anyone take a photo quickly while using a monitor!? I have not!. It is always the same thing, they seem to have to take forever trying to get the framing and focus right before taking the photo!. When you bring a camera up to your eye you can frame instantly and get a shot off fast!.

also, in bright light, there is nothing more goofy looking than someone struggling to see a monitor screen to take a photo, while I have used my viewfinder, taken the shot, and gone on my way!.

Plus using the monitor all the time EATS battery power!.

I just have NO use for the monitor for taking a photo, but I know many people do like it!. But for me there are just too many shortcomings to using it!.
