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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of my art?(Photo-Manipulation)?

Question: What do you think of my art!?(Photo-Manipulation)!?
Hi, I need some opinions and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!.
I do photo manipulation so could you tell me if you like the pics on my deviantart!?(The eye pictures)
also, if you have a DA you can add me!
And my one picture isn't uploading right on DA at the moment so this is the link to it: http://i126!.photobucket!.com/albums/p86/S!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a pretty decent manipulation, but the lighting is terriable!. Did you take the picture yourself!? Try finding a more clear picture with better lighting!. There are many people on DA called stock artists that you can use there pictures to practice manipulation (just incase you didn't already know)Www@QuestionHome@Com

fine, use better source images and the final result will be better!. - they look pretty good considering the lighting issues


The iris looks good, but the face and surrounding area is pale and dark!. That could possibly look good, but the iris doesn't pop out enough I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com