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Question: !!~~Photoshop!? Picture questions~~!!!?
Does anyone know any programs i could download where i can add different effects to a picture uploaded on my computer!?
i saw a picture of a girl and she had a flower in her hand and everything was black and white other than the flower, it was bright red!.
it said she photoshoped it herself and i really want to know how to do this!.
i also wanted to ask how you give a picture different looks like, embossed, paint, or pencil!.
i know that there is a program because i had it on my previous computer but i already got rid of it so i cant find out what it was called!.
if you know of any programs that do this could you give me a link to download it!?
i have already tried the invert the colors on the photo and it didnt work~~
thank you!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is the on line version of Photoshop:

!.!.!. and here is how to do selective coloring in photoshop:

As is true of many procedures in Photoshop, there are several ways of doing selective color!. This is a quick and easy method!.

First open your photo in PS of course!.

Then go to Layer - Duplicate Layer

Click OK

Then go to Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation

Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to make the photo black and white!.

Click OK

Then get the ERASER tool from the tool box on the left side of the screen!. It is usually the next tool under the clone stamp tool!. Just hover your mouse over the tool, and it will say Eraser!.

When you have selected the Eraser, go up to the Brush options box at the top of the screen, and click on the downfacing arrow!. Set the Hardness of the brush to 100% so you will have accurate control of selection!. You may also need to raise or lower the brush size to suit!.

Erase away any black and white from where you want the color to be revealed!.

When done go to
Layer - Flatten Image

Then just do a Save As to wherever you want to save the photo!.

hope this helps you


Try this link and see if it is what you want!.


photofiltre !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

selective color
you can use http://www!.picnik!.com
* upload image
* click the "create" tab
* click "black and white"
* "paint" the colored area you want


Online aps:
"Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools!. Tweak to your heart’s content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames!.
It's fast, easy, and fun!."

"FotoFlexer is the world's most advanced online digital photo editor!. It performs advanced effects previously only available to professionals using expensive software!. FotoFlexer was founded by Arbor Labs, a team of graduate students and alumni from the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, University of California at Berkeley (and just one MIT/Stanford alum too)!."

"Splashup, formerly Fauxto, is a powerful editing tool and photo manager!. With all the features professionals use and novices want, it's easy to use, works in real-time and allows you to edit many images at once!. Splashup runs in all browsers, integrates seamlessly with top photosharing sites, and even has its own file format so you can save your work in progress!."

"Do what you want with your photos!. Give them cartoon colors!. Distort them!. Go nuts!. Turn average photos into jaw droppers with options like Pop Color, Sketch, Hue, Black & White, Tint, and more!."

Downloadable opensource freeware:
"The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) does most of what Photoshop does; the Gimpshop project (plasticbugs!.com) even makes it look like Photoshop!."

(hall of fame - best free software - pcmag -