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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Anyone know an interesting way to create a time line that will have around 100 e

Question: Anyone know an interesting way to create a time line that will have around 100 entries!?
I was thinking a small book that I could print out at home, fastened with those brass things!.!.!.!.anyone else have an idea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like your idea!.!.!.

The Tate gallery released a timeline on 20th Century artists, it's adapted from an installation in the gallery; the timeline is on the level 3 and 5 walls!.!.!.

Sara Fanelli did the handwriting if you're interested, and it's just a really long piece of folded card put into a wallet-type holder!.!.!.
