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Position:Home>Visual Arts> For people who know ART, can you PLEASE help me out?

Question: For people who know ART, can you PLEASE help me out!?
I'm completely stuck on what to put for the FOCAL POINT of this artwork, if the artwork relies more on PROPORTION or distortion, and what to put for MOVEMENT (if movement is suggested in this artwork, is it due to repition of something, alternating elements, progression from large to small, dark to light or living forms doing something, etc!.!.)

oh! and I'm kinda stumped on what to put for VALUE (do the values result from combinations of black and white, or shades and tints of color!? are value contrasts strong, soft, or both!?)!.


PLEASE, if you have any idea, can you tell me!? I promsie to choose best answer!. ^_^

thank you so so so so much!.

This is really important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Faith Ringold's work is always very autobiographical!. She often tells stories of her childhood through her quilts and the children seem to be the focal point of this quilt!. The silhouettes of the children also imply movement by rhythmically placing the human forms in dance-like poses!. You may need to ask your teacher to clarify what they mean by "value" because there are a variety of definitions on how it can be considered an element of art!. I would say the stark contrast of light and dark elements is used to create a dramatic effect!. More info on elements of art here:

beautiful artwork!. i would have to say that its very colorful, so i wouldnt put black and white!. there isnt much distortion, but movement in a sense!. the focal point would have to be the little children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The focal point is at the bottom of the tree in the middle!. The movement is in the trees!. As for value, I completely forgot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suspect that you don't really understand the terminology, or else you'd know what to say!. You seem stumped everywhere you turn!.

Too bad you didn't pay attention in class, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com