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Position:Home>Visual Arts> GRAFFiTi?GRAFFiTi?

Question: GRAFFiTi!?GRAFFiTi!?
can anyone teach me how to write in graffiti!? or at least can you gimme a guide to learn the basics!?!?!?
what is graffiti exactly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well this is a website that I think could help you!.!.
1!. http://video!.aol!.com/video-detail/ayes-f!.!.!.
2!. http://www!.hobbyarchive!.com/hobbyarchive!.!.!.
3!. http://www!.ehow!.com/how_2048909_draw-gra!.!.!.

Well I think no!. 3!. is good !.!.try and check it out!.!.

Hope it helps you!.!.!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Graffiti is words!.!.!.sayings, slogans etc!. can include pictures of things, originally it was like pencil, pen magic marker on walls in bathrooms, on desks in schools etc, it gradually changed so that now it is mainly spray paint, it can be small, on buildingd, box cars, freight trailers and can get very large and elaborate!. Some of it is good enough to be considered art!. Hope this helps you!.!.!.!.be artistic:) PS probably the very first graffiti was "Kilroy was here"Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need to be taught how to become a graffiti artist!. All you need is an obsessive personality that makes you want to deface other people's property!. Oh! Yes, and a can of spray paint!.

Most important of all, you need absolutely no talent; so you probably fit the bill admirably!.Www@QuestionHome@Com