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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you have to be a good artist to be an architect?

Question: Do you have to be a good artist to be an architect!?
What attributes are necessary for architects!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i must say being a good artist will complete you being an architect!. however as an architecture student this is just a second requirement of the field, there is more important than the aesthetics of your design!. there are many technicalities to be considered!. but one aspect of art that is very important in this field is your SPATIAL skill!. you should have a considerable talent in imagining objects in 3D space that is why, architecture is a field of science and realistic art rather than abstract!. hope it helps!. good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. you have to be a very good artist to be an architect !.u must also have artistic talents, an imaginative thinking & the power to compete with other architural competitors!.!.But being an architec isn't just drawing on the paper, its about designning the blueprint of the megastructure!. when the bleuprint of the megastructure is approved by the companies client , then u can called yourself a too good to be true megastructure ARTIST!.!.!. :o

p/s : try to design your own kind of building and let your friends critic your designs!.!.!.thats how my dad becomes and architec!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what kind of architect you wish to be!. You need to be creative, have ability to work with space and shapes, have to have good feeling for different materials, colors etc!.