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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you help me find the name of this painting, i'll describe it best i can.

Question: Can you help me find the name of this painting, i'll describe it best i can!.!?
I need to know the name of this painting for my art assignment!. I remember seeing it a few times in art books but i dont know the name!.

Its an older, well known painting, has a man and a woman standing in what appears to be a bedroom, i think it looks as though they are being married as they are facing one another but their clothes arnt our modern wedding gowns or suits!. They are wearing old traditional sort of robes!. I think one of them is wearing green!.!.!.not sure

Does the painting sound familiar!? Even if your not totally sure anything will help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi! Is this the one!?
Jan Van Eyck - Arnolfini Wedding Portrait