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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Simularity between middle ages and Renaissance painting?

Question: Simularity between middle ages and Renaissance painting!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Renaissance was the "awakening" in art, which is refering to the explosion of quality and beauty of art!. The artists were able to create works that looked more then real, unlike the middle ages where the subjects looked flatter!. The styles of the two times were different, but like the first guy said, the subject matter being religious themes was similar!. Art back then was the only way for the illiterate people of the country to be able to understand the bible, so it was sponsored by the church just for that purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It kinda depends on what region the painting comes from!. The biggest similarity is religious themes!. The Renaissance the painters started to break away from only Religious subjects, but much of the work we still see today was sponsored by the church!. They were the churches billboards! Look into common religious themes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com