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Question: Is the " Drawing on the Right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards a good book for beginner drawers!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, yes YES! It was, hands down, the best drawing book I ever read (and I have read quite a few)!. Rather than teach you the usual tricks and techniques that all other books teach, this one teaches you how to see!. If you can see it, you can draw it!. My first batch of exercises from this book came out good enough to hang on the wall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I absolutely agree with alchymia(above) that this book will teach you a lot!. One of her books shows that Van Gogh went from amatuer drawing techniques to Master level in 10 years!. That was very encouraging to me!. She also clearly explains the negative thinking that occurs in the left brain that will convince you that you have no talent!. She tells you how to get into the creative side of your brain(we all have it) where paintings are created, She shows you exercises that will strengthen your talent,you have it or you wouldn't have bought that book!. Enjoy it and continue to grow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While any book will try to teach you new stuff and be unique, for beginning drawers, nothing is more crucial than life drawing!.

Drawing the human form, as well as everyday scenes, objects, and animals entirely freehand is the most important key to drawing better!. Books will help with the small stuff, such as the history of, definitions, styling, practices, etc!.!.!.but it all comes down to life drawing!.

At a beginner level, all you really need to know are the basics while you are learning how to draw!. Before you can draw (with specifics and different types of detailing), you need to learn how to draw well normally!. The strongest start in this is life drawing freehand!. After you have experience with freehand life drawing, you more towards more structured drawing, and then from there towards the off stylings of art and more advanced methods!.

So, my recommendation is to follow this book, but do not let the exercises in the book overtake your life drawing, rather just enhance it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has to be one of the best ones out there!. Definately get a copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com