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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help on drawing Please?

Question: Help on drawing Please!?
How do you draw a graph over a pic so you could draw on a another on sketch book paper i know how to draw the graph but how many inches does each square have to be
If you dont get me its like you get a pic from the magazine and you want to draw it well you draw a graph on it then you draw another graph in a sketch book or ect!. but how many inches does each square have to be PLEASE HELP THANK YOUWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you need to do is draw the vertical and horizontal lines on your sketch pad with a ruler each an inch apart, count how many lines there are, and then draw the lines on the small picture, but you have to do a little math to find out how you can evenly space the lines on the small pic and get the same number of lines as on your sketch pad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com