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Position:Home>Visual Arts> My own original T-shirts, acrylic paints, or what's better?

Question: My own original T-shirts, acrylic paints, or what's better!?
I want to make my original T-shirts!. Somewhere I heard that acrylics were best!.

I don't care which medium I use but I need a permanent one, such as will last "X" washes!.

I've heard about pre-washing to remove sizing etc!. but need a full lesson!.

Advice from experienced users only please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Acrylic paints are designed to bond with the fabric so if that fabric has any dressing washed out of it first the acrylic should form a permanent bond!.If you are doing one off artworks for yourself there should not be a problem!.However the best way to produce the images you want on fabric is to use the silk screen printing inks especially designed for the job!.They can be painted on as well as printed!.I have been successfully using both techniques since the mid 1960s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would just use actual frabric paints, acrylic paint just dries into a sort of plastic and would just peal off!.

or fabric pens are quite good i did a t-shirt for a final peice at a levelWww@QuestionHome@Com