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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Have you ever been limited with your paintings?

Question: Have you ever been limited with your paintings!?
for instance say you have a female art teacher and you paint her portrait but shes married or has a boy freind and you paint her as a naked mermaid with flowers in her hair and a humming bird kissing her whats her husband or boy freind going to think when he can't give her what you did as her student I ripped it up as usual so many masterpeices Ive had to destroy because of limmitaions can any one relate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Limitations are part of life!. You shouldn't paint your art teacher nude when she didn't pose that way, it would probably make her uncomfortable and she might give you a bad grade!. It's not true that to be creative you have to be able to do anything you want!. In fact if you set yourself limits, for example painting the same subject many times (but not your nude art teacher) it can make you look at things in a new way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like an internal conflict due to your emotions for this teacher!. Create the artwork on the side for yourself if you feel that self-conscious about how it will be perceived (judging from your statement, there's ONLY one way to perceive it), then you won't have to throw it away!.

If it's an actual assignment and it's your version of the assignment, I don't really see why you can't turn it in!. Although be ready to receive an actual grade on it (if your art class is run that way) and be ready to be critiqued on your style/method/execution!.

Either way, you must separate yourself from these emotions because it doesn't sound like a healthy thing for you!. Much easier said than done, but !. !. !. there it is!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com