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Question: Caramelldansen frames!?
If you've seen the video "caramelldansen" is there anywhere I can get the frames from the original video or any other one to use as a reference when making my own!?

Or is there a way to get the frames from an animated gif/video!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can download the video with tubecaster from youtube!. Tubecaster is open source from sourceforge (I can't remember if it's !.net, !.com, or !.org so search for tubecaster)!. It works on XP since I use XP!. Good luck!

Oh yeah, I believe it downloads in !.avi format!. But if you need it another format you can use that conversion tool Super to convert it to anything, even mp3!.

And you can edit the video itself in Windows Movie Maker (if you have SP2 for Windows XP) which may help you in the breakdown of the frames!.

I just glanced at super and you can apparently also convert a video into a sequence of images!. Perhaps it will be helpful to you!?

Ok I have done a test run, with the video itself and it DOES in fact take the video frame by frame!. I have every frame of the video in png format!. So Super is definitely the program you want, and you can download the video using tubecaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have Windows Vista and Real Player you can download the video from YouTube!.

God, this song and video is so addictive!. It gets me in a great mood!. Kawaii!Www@QuestionHome@Com