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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Black and white with a touch of (brighter) coulour on photoshop?

Question: Black and white with a touch of (brighter) coulour on photoshop!?
I know how you make a photo black and white with selective areas of color, but how do you make it so that the colour that shows up is brighter than in the original photo!?
e!.g i have a black and white photo of a glass of wine and i can get the red to show up in the wine, but how do i make the red more stand-out brighter than in the original colour photo!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most Simple method:

1!. Image: Adjustments:Desaturate!.

2!. Paint color back in to the chosen area with the history brush located in the toolbar on the left/

3!.Image: Adjustments: Hue/Saturation!.!. increase saturation!.

Thumbs down is ridiculous, this is the best method, and increasing saturation does not effect the desaturated area!.
I have to ask!.!. why do I bother !?!?!?!? SO many years learning photoshop and I get a thumbs down for sharing some of it with a person who knows nothing about it yet asks !?!?!?

No wonder I'm getting tired of this freaking place!. Sheesh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you select just that part (use whatever selection tools you prefer, and if you don't want to actually change the original color layer either copy it or use an Adjustment layer over it) and apply various adjustments, you should be able to make it brighter!. Of course the simplest (but not necessarily the best) is Brightness/Contrast!. But I would also try Levels and/or Hue/Saturation!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you use my technique (creating a separate layer for the colored portion of the image) you simply adjust that layer to get more saturation, color or whatnot !.!.!.

If your current image is not in layers I suppose you can select th wine and manipulate that area of the pic!.

But separate layers is WAY superior!

Here's the address for my tutorial on it:Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I personally would do is take a COPY of the original (never do anything to the original) and adjust the brightness and saturation to your taste!. THEN make a B&W layer OVER it and erase what you want to stay in color!. That's the easiest way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

change the saturation!. i think that's wut you were asking just increase itWww@QuestionHome@Com